Saeth yn pwyntio 'mlaen
Os yw eich prosiect yn gofyn am flociau nad ydynt yn bodoli yn llyfrgell WikiHouse eto, neu R&D i ddatblygu atebion WikiHouse newydd, gallwn weithio gyda chi a'ch tîm i'w datblygu.

Pryd i ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn

Gallwch ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn os ydych chi'n paratoi cynllun siasi WikiHouse, ond am i ni ddatblygu blociau allweddol, ansafonol penodol, ond nid o reidrwydd y dyluniad siasi WikiHouse cyfan.

Sut mae'n gweithio

1. When you contact us, give us a brief description of your project, and any problems you'd like us to help solve.

2. We will respond within a few days and, if appropriate, line up a video call with you to discuss your project and requirements

3. In that call, or afterwards, we will agree a fixed fee and scope for the work before moving ahead.

Beth sydd ddim wedi'i gynnwys

This service does not include:

  • Checking that your layout is compliant with all building and planning regulations
  • Structural check and sign-off (Although we will keep this in mind when designing your block, and can work with your structural engineer as required if you already have one)
  • Manufacturing or assembling your chassis
  • Full detailed design and specification for other elements including foundations, cladding, windows and fit out.

Byddwch angen

We will need:

  • Any 3D models or drawings of your project.

If you're interested in this service, or you're wondering about whether WikiHouse is right for your project, get in touch.
Cysylltwch â ni am eich prosiect