Saeth yn pwyntio 'mlaen
Os ydych chi'n bensaer, gwneuthurwyr CNC, peiriannydd strwythurol neu gwmni adeiladu sy'n holi am ddefnyddio WikiHouse ar brosiect penodol ar gyfer cleient, gallwn ateb unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gennych, a'ch cefnogi wrth i chi ymgyfarwyddo â system WikiHouse a chyflawni eich prosiect.

Pryd i ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn

Use this service if you are an architect, engineer, manufacturer, installer or builder who is interested in using WikiHouse on a specific project, and you have questions, or would like some help understanding WikiHouse.

Sut mae'n gweithio

1. Tell us about your project enquiry, providing as much information as possible.
2. We will contact you to provide you with any information you need and, if appropriate, to line up a call.

Beth sydd ddim wedi'i gynnwys

This service does not include:

  • Any design work that may be required.
  • Checking your design meets relevant regulations.You are responsible for this, and for using WikiHouse in safe way.

Any information we may provide is for guidance only, and is subject to the usual WikiHouse terms.

Byddwch angen

You do not need anything specific, but any information about your project will be helpful. Please let us know any questions you have.

If you're interested in this service, or you're wondering about whether WikiHouse is right for your project, get in touch.
Cysylltwch â ni am eich prosiect